The Importance of Self-Care

Thursday, October 4, 2018 - 12:15pm


From work, getting the kids home from school, making dinner, and organizing everything to make the next morning easier. The stress of everyday life can have an effect on everyone. So, how do you make sure that you have a little “me” time in the mix? That doesn’t involve canceling plans.


Putting self-care on the back burning is easy to do, but we are here to show you the importance and how self-care can have a positive outcome on your relationships with not only yourself but everyone in your life. No matter how fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. You shouldn’t neglect self-care and here's why:


Stress Managment: While we know that a little stress can be healthy, and a way that your body gives you the extra push to get your work done, constant stress is not good. Trying things like healthy eating, reconnecting with loved ones, and practicing meditation can cut down the toxic effects of stress by improving your mood and boosting your energy and confidence levels.


Start Living: Life is a gift! So why waste it when you have the choice to continue making it better. It is important to remember that taking care of yourself is a huge part of your responsibilities as well. This doesn’t have to take a lot of time or too much effort. Little things such as having a cup of tea a day, taking 5-minutes to just sit down and relax with your kids, read a book, or taking a bubble bath. There are countless things that you can do to improve, but giving yourself a reason to get up in the morning and be happy is the thing that matters most.


At the end of the day, a very common way for people to relieve stress and have some self-care is spending time with friends and family and doing things that are going to help strengthen bonds and connections. Going outside and doing something active and fun, or having a movie night in at home when the weather is rainy. It’s the little things that count the most.


Connect with us to learn more about how the Center for Dispute Settlement can help you take the first step toward rebuilding a relationship.