What is Conflict Coaching?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 4:45pm

Conflict Coaching helps people better understand how to manage a dispute or problem. It provides the opportunity to explore different perspectives and responses to the conflict and equips people to make self-determinate choices in their own best interest. Coaching improves the ability to work through conflicts for a specific dispute and in the process provides opportunity for personal growth.

Conflict Coaching sessions are confidential, one-on-one conversations between you and a trained conflict resolution expert. Coaching helps you gain perspective on your conflict, make decisions about next steps, and learn key communication skills.

Conflict coaching is for anyone involved in an interpersonal disagreement or dispute with others including family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, employees, or at school.  Conflict Coaching helps one determine if and how to engage with the other person and to strategize options to resolve issues that are getting in the way of you being your best self – living your best life. Coaching is also used for intrapersonal problems regarding a decision you are struggling with and the consequences of that decision.

A typical session lasts up to two hours. Additional sessions can be scheduled as needed.

Here's a quote from a Conflict Coaching client:  

I really enjoyed learning ways to change my thinking and how I approach situations. I am learning and growing daily. Every time those feeling comes up I remember I don’t have to fix it. The conflict coaching was truly a blessing; you are always in my thoughts!