What's Happening In Our Community

Friday, May 18, 2018 - 10:30am

Have you ever wanted to experience all the wonderful events that Rochester, NY has to offer, but have no idea where to start? It’s important to stay current on what’s going on in your community. With well over 50 festivals to attend this year, we’re here to give you the inside scoop on all the can’t miss events!




Just to list a few: Lilac Festival (which is coming to an end), Greek Festival (which is right around the corner), Fairport Canal Days, Corn Hill Arts Festival, Jazz Festival, the list goes on. There are so many things about these festivals that are beneficial to everyone. However, in the end, these events are meant to bring people together and immerse one another in different cultures, music, arts and more.


Exercise With The Community


The Center for Dispute Settlement is open to everyone, much like our many Rochester races. It is important to take care of the community as well as yourself, so why not partake in something that does both. Whether you run or walk everyone is encouraged to join. Get all the information you need here.


Endless Opportunities


Needless to say, there are a lot of things going on in and around our community to look forward to. Some occur more frequently than others, in fact, many of the events happen but once or twice a month so be sure to keep these events at the top of your summer to-do list. Such as the Food Truck Rodeo and Party In The Park.


Over the many years Center for Dispute Settlement has been around we’ve become more deeply immersed in the Rochester community and have expanded our many programs. The importance of knowing and growing in what’s going on in your community is huge. Visit us today to learn more about what we do and how we can help you.